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Discover how to transform your voiceover journey from scattered training to strategic success. Learn essential business skills, training frameworks, and actionable steps for voice actors.
Continue readingIf you have high aspirations for your voice over career, voiceover coaching 100% should be part of your journey.
Continue readingSo, when you get a script, how do you approach it?
Continue readingIt’s the end of March now, and no one’s talking about resolutions anymore. Most have probably fallen off the wagon, so I’m doing you this check-in in case you need a boost to get back on the wagon, or if you haven’t done anything yet, start your year strong (anytime!) 😊
Continue readingIf you limit yourself to in-person voice over training only you will eliminate 99% of your coaching options. How many voice over coaches that you want to work with live within 2 hours of your home? There’s almost no reason to be in the same room as your coach so why put such a huge and unnecessary restriction on your coaching options.
Continue readingYou’ve probably heard the phrase practice makes perfect. Another way to say it is practice makes possible.That couldn’t be more true when it comes to voice acting.There’s no way pursuing a voice over career will be possible without hours and hours of practice.The downfall of most new voice actors is the idea that it will […]
Continue readingEveryone says you need a coach to make it in the voice over business. Is that really true? Are there other ways to become a voice actor without hiring a coach?
Continue readingIf you’ve been blessed with a great voice or people are regularly telling you you should get into voiceover, you might be wondering what, exactly, it takes to make it as a voice actor. I mean, how do you know if you really do have the right kind of voice? The last thing you want is […]
Continue reading5 Things to do Before You Start Auditioning for Voiceover Jobs Every now and then I get questions from people who aren’t necessarily looking for a pathway to build their voice over business the right way, they simply want me to help them “get voiceover auditions.” When a request like this comes my way, I […]
Continue readingHow to Find the Right Voiceover CoachWhy You Need a Voiceover CoachA coach helps you find direction.A coach helps you find motivation.A coach provides a proven framework for success.A coach teaches you about the voiceover industry—everything there is to know about it.A coaching gives you accountability.A coach guides you where you want to get to […]
Continue readingVoice over Coaching with mary lynn wissner With Mary Lynn Wissner, you’ll learn how to adapt, apply and succeed with the ever-changing trends in advertising and production. You’ll gain the skill set and techniques tailored to your abilities, talent and range. Each talent is different and comes with a different set of skills, abilities and […]
Continue readingVoice over Coaching with everett oliver Everett Oliver has built a career in voiceover, Animation, Career Building, Booth Director (directing actors on auditions at a leading LA Based Talent agency), Remote Auditions, Private One on One Directing and Online Directing. In animation and commercial demo recordings, he’s directed actors on animation characters and commercial projects. […]
Continue readingWin more voice over auditions – Four tips with Alyson Steel Tip 1) Audition specs and attention to detail So the first thing you have to do is read what you get—from the email, from your agent, or production house. Read it thoroughly because many of the times it’s going to be a long email […]
Continue readingVoice over Coaching with Alyson Steel Alyson is a graduate of NYC’s High School of Performing Arts (from the movie “Fame”). She received her B.A. from Queens College while doing recurring work on the soap opera “Another World” as well as on-camera commercials. Alyson decided to go back to school and earned her MFA in […]
Continue readingHow to book work with an email list blog post Get Traction in Voiceover course
Continue readingHomework article #1: How to get started in voiceover Homework article #2: How to listen as a voice actor
Continue readingIt may surprise you that this in the Intermediate category. Equipment is really basic, right? You have to have equipment before you can even take step 1, right? Actually, that’s not the case at all. You only need to purchase equipment after you have been around the industry long enough to know you really want […]
Continue readingIt helps to have the lay of the land? Why are you interested in VO? To make a quick buck? Because it looks like fun? Because it looks easy? You’ve always been told you have a nice voice? What type of VO are you interested in? Yes, I’m going to make you do some work […]
Continue readingI completely understand this question. However, I submit that when it comes to evaluating whether or not voiceover is a viable career option for you, there’s a better question to ask…
Continue readingIn this guide, I talk about how my ferocious marketing and networking techniques, combined with extensive training and study, landed me voiceover jobs with brands like Kmart, Taco Bell, Bank of America, REI and others.
Continue readingGet a free copy of my favorite tools and products in this resource guide. You’ll pick up gems that’ll help make your voiceover life easier. Click to Tweet Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links. Which means that at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through […]
Continue readingA few days ago, I was in my home studio, editing a voiceover project. It was a slow and easy day, when suddenly – my mom (and nanny) was rushing me to come downstairs! When I got to where she was, lo and behold – my little Ruby was right there… taking her first steps! […]
Continue readingDo you ever find yourself having both sides of a make believe conversation between you and… you? It would be really weird for anyone in any other profession to admit that they talk to themselves out loud and often. But fortunately, voice actors have a job where it’s not only acceptable to do that, it’s required! So if anyone ever […]
Continue readingHave you ever bought a voiceover book or course, read through a bit of it, and then never opened it again? How many unfinished books do you have on your book shelf or Kindle? For me, the answers are, “yes,” and “a lot.” I love living in a time when information is so easy to […]
Continue readingYour mindset as a voice actor may be the most important thing to keep in check as you start and run your business. Click to Tweet Your mindset as a voice actor may be the most important thing to keep in check as you start and run your business. From making the decision to start […]
Continue readingA lot of actors turn to voiceover as a way to make some extra cash while waiting on their next on-camera or theater role. And for good reason — voice acting is acting, after all. But while this strategy positions voice acting as a kind of crutch until the real work gets more steady, a […]
Continue readingIf you’re anything like me, you were shocked to discover that voice over is a full-fledged industry, with people making a full-time living simply talking into microphones. But after being in the business for over a year and full time for ten months, I know that isn’t just possible to make a living doing freelance voice work; […]
Continue readingWhen I first got into voiceover, all of my coaching sessions were focused on commercial reads. Come to think of it, the majority of them still are. Most of my demos are commercial demos, and my agents are mostly commercial agents. All of this training and effort I have put into commercial reads has been […]
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