Coaching with Everett Oliver - Carrie Olsen Voiceover
Coach Everett Oliver

Voice over Coaching with everett oliver

Everett Oliver has built a career in voiceover, Animation, Career Building, Booth Director (directing actors on auditions at a leading LA Based Talent agency), Remote Auditions, Private One on One Directing and Online Directing. In animation and commercial demo recordings, he’s directed actors on animation characters and commercial projects. With over a decade of experience in voiceover casting with titans of the industry in animation such as Disney, Columbia Tri Star, and Film Roman/Starz, Everett Oliver developed skills that prepared him to put on a director’s hat and bring out the best reads for his clients on their auditions.

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33:45 Carrie's Quick Intro

32:31 What's your background? Are you a voiceover talent

31:30 Do you coach beginners?

29:50 So would you recommend, if I'm a beginner and I just really want to study with you, how would I go about figuring out if I'm at that level?

27:47 What are your specialties? What genres of voice over do you coach in?

25:17 What's important for voiceover talent to look for in a coach?

24:03 When should a voice talent seek a coach? Is it ever too early?

20:41 What do your students learn from you?

18:00 How long do you typically work with students? Is most of it kind of one-off audition stuff? Or do you have students for years at a time? What is that process?

14:19 What's your take on demos? 

13:35 When do students make them? Do you make them? And then, the other one I haven't asked yet is do you have preferred demo producers that you recommend?

09:42 If someone gets to that point where they've graduated, they've got their demo. Is that what you would recommend as far as next steps, or how involved are you in the next steps that they take?

06:47 So brag on yourself and your students a little bit. What would you say is your greatest accomplishment as a voiceover coach?

02:51 Is there something you'd like to share with us? Something you want to promote? I know you mentioned workshops a little bit.

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Carrie Olsen Voiceover