Five Ways Voice Over Gets You More On-Camera Roles - Carrie Olsen Voiceover

Five Ways Voice Over Gets You More On-Camera Roles

Carrie Olsen Voice OverA lot of actors turn to voiceover as a way to make some extra cash while waiting on their next on-camera or theater role. And for good reason — voice acting is acting, after all. But while this strategy positions voice acting as a kind of crutch until the real work gets more steady, a lot of actors miss out on the inherent benefits of voice acting in and of itself. Not only is voice over a 100% viable job on its own (Time Magazine just ranked it the #2 highest paying freelance job). It also supports your acting endeavors by making you a better actor. Here are five ways voice acting will land you more on-camera jobs.

  1. With voiceover, you’re required to do more with less. This forces you to be on your A game 110% when you show up for work. You can’t drive a point home with a look or hand gesture. You’ve got to do all the work, with just your voice. Of course, your facial expressions and body language have huge effects on your voice quality, so you will still be using them. But the only persuasion tool that your audience will have is your voice. When you can fine tune your instrument (your voice) by doing voice over work, it will carry over to your on-camera work, and auditions as well, giving you a leg-up from those who will be depending more on their physical appearance to land the job.
  2. Voiceover gives you way more opportunities to audition. How many in-person auditions can you fit into a day? It depends on where the auditions are, how many people show up, and how long it actually takes you to do the audition. Plus, you’ve got to have the auditions to even get to the point that you’re worrying about logistics. With voice over, not only are the audition opportunities more plentiful and you can do them back-to-back from home, you also get to learn and grow from these experiences and apply that knowledge and growth to your in-person auditions. Doing more auditions means you’re booking more work, but it also means you’re being turned down for more. This can actually help you to grow thicker skin and prepare you for the highs and lows of on-camera auditioning.
  3. Voiceover jobs can turn into on-camera roles! Many agencies represent both on-camera and voice talent. If you build a good rapport with your voiceover work, that can be an excellent way to get your foot in the door for on-camera work as well.
  4. Voiceover jobs build your resume. Maybe you’re concerned that you don’t have many paid acting credits. You can grow that list — quickly — with voice roles. This will build your credibility and make you connections.
  5. Finally, voiceover puts you in the right place at the right time. While the cliched starving artist waiting tables situation may seem glamorous (or not), you are much more likely to be presented with the kinds of roles you are looking for if you’re actually working in the biz while you’re looking. You may get the opportunity to rub shoulders with some influencers who could redirect your career. And the great news is, so much of this is in your hands. If you do the work of winning auditions, being great to work with, and following up with clients, the possibilities are endless.

If you’re interested in supplementing your acting, or pursuing voiceover on its own, pick up my free guide to getting started in voiceover.

Are there other ways you can see voice work helping your overall acting career? Share your insights in the comments.

Good talk!

Carrie Olsen

I'm a full-time professional voice actor and voiceover business coach. I have done work for Taco Bell, REI, BNSF Railway, Bank of America and ESPN to name a few. I dreamed up this community of voice actors to connect, grow, learn and get mentorship from each other. We're the most dedicated group of voice actors on the net, and we're here to help each other build and sustain profitable voiceover businesses.

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Carrie Olsen Voiceover