How great would it feel if you knew you could record and submit on-point voiceover auditions every single time?
Get primed for this training...
How great would it feel if you knew you could record and submit on-point voiceover auditions every single time?
To make that a reality, you need to have a system for how you approach your auditions.
And that’s exactly what I’m going to help you create - a framework for consistently submitting winning voiceover auditions.
Here’s a closer look at what you’ll learn:
- My favorite places for auditioning
- Techniques for delivering takes that stand out in a good way
- Everything you need to edit and submit pristine auditions so you --have the best chance of booking
- Efficiency tips for getting the most high-quality auditions submitted in the least amount of time
- And more

Your host:
Carrie Olsen, Voice Actor and Creator of the Voiceover Success Intensive
Growing my voiceover business has been an education. I'm thrilled to be able to share that education with you through this course.
Join the Intensive Now!
Copyright 2019, Carrie Olsen Voiceover, LLC