July 2021 Office Hours


  • 00:15:50 The connection between stage acting and voice acting. 
  • 00:37:10 How can I create a mobile studio that I can pack when I travel often? (Long conversation about equipment used for studio booths.)
  • 00:52:55 Reference dropped: https://www.searchtempest.com/ 
  • 00:55:30 Finding leads online (different sites); the benefits and disadvantages of using different sites.
  • 01:05:05 Sharing experiences with RX8 Standard.
  • 01:12:20 How do you go about trailer work the right way?
  • 01:17:30 Carrie’s experience working on the MTV Movie Awards.
  • 01:37:10 Continued conversation about trailer work. 
  • 01:46:05 Website sharing of a participant. 
  • 01:59:00 Sharing a participant’s recording. 
  • 02:01:30 How do we go about shopping for agents?
  • 02:13:30 How do some agencies view people with accents?
  • 02:23:20 Do most agencies offer international voices?
  • 02:25:20 Browsing through agencies.
  • 02:25:43 Reference dropped: https://www.thevoicebank.online
  • 02:37:30 When people say stuff like “You’re in the top 3” when they reject you, are they just being nice?
  • 02:39:20 What do you do with the “creepy factor” – when people might make you feel uncomfortable during auditions? Scammers? Perverts? What are some red flags with prospective employers/agencies/coaches?
  • 02:53:10 Is it the client or talent who initiates the price agreement and the invoice?
  • 03:02:00 What constitutes a contract?
  • 03:10:40 How do we make a good demo? How do we even balance voiceover work with full-time work? Tips and tricks. 
  • 03:13:40 How involved might the production usage be? Will contracts cover royalty periodically or do you have to pull it? Long conversations about pricing and rates, invoicing clients. 
  • 03:27:20 Do people use battery backups for equipment? Saving all the work that you record. Conversation about equipment. 
  • 03:35:50 What advice would you give to beginner voice actors?
  • 03:43:31 Reference dropped (workout group suggestion from Carrie): https://gingrworks.com/registerforclasses/
  • 03:44:04
    Reference dropped (workout group suggestion from Carrie): http://www.voheavenworkouts.com/
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Carrie Olsen Voiceover